Lent is a season for intentionality.
It is about taking care of yourself: Eating better or less, taking a break from smoking. Sometimes it is not about giving up things for Lent but adding things: read more Bible, or: move more. Your friends at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Rosenberg, Texas, invite you to a series of “Strolls through Lent”. At each station there will be some spiritual input pertaining to the season. The physical challenges of walking may vary but never appear to be over-taxing. Along the way, the people and the sights will create unique adventures. You will notice a good mix of days, times, and neighborhoods. Please plan an hour for each event plus getting there from the church and back. All times are for car-pooling from and back to the church. For parking at the destinations please call Rev. Daniel Haas the day of each event at 801-368-1180. Rain will cancel, cold will not.
Ash Wednesday, February 10th, 8:30 am, Travis Park
The first walk on Ash Wednesday morning is also an invitation to join the Family Ministry team at Cambridge when they bring Holy Communion and Ashes to the residents after our walk. This first walk is a short one – a good way to begin. Those who walk may return to their homes with a renewed sense of loving and belonging.
Our second service for Ash Wednesday will be back at the church at 6 pm.
Monday, February 15th, 8 pm, Holy Rosary Catholic Church
The Stations of the Cross are a traditional way of experiencing the passion, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ by way of walking. We will go over to our neighbors at Holy Rosary who invited us to journey through their beautiful outdoor grotto that night.
Tuesday, February 23rd, 6 pm, Seabourne Creek Park
God is still creating. We can join God in that joy and care-taking. We are going to take a “Prayer Walk” through Seabourne Creek Park. Walk through it slowly. Try to see it with God’s eyes. Feel God’s love for the place, the growing things, the people. As you walk, bless the paths and bless the people who will go on them, their families. Pray for God’s healing, guidance, protection. Pray as you feel the Spirit moving you to pray for anyone you see. What will you notice? This prayer walk replaces Confirmation Class and Bible Study that night.
Sunday, February 28th, 11 am, Downtown Rosenberg
Join us in exploring our Historic Downtown District, which offers an eclectic shopping experience in buildings restored to their original grandeur. Visitors browse a collection of gift boutiques, antique shops, gourmet shop, spa, restaurants, and other establishments offering everything from home accessories, collectibles, fine jewelry, clothing, rare books, fine handmade furniture, and great casual dining experiences. For members of the church council this is also the lunch opportunity before our orientation retreat that afternoon.
Tuesday, March 8th, 8:30 am, Del Webb Sweetgrass
Women’s Guild meets this morning at 10 and Margie Krenek has graciously agreed to host our walking group in her neighborhood. Del Webb Sweetgrass is an active adult community for homeowners 55+ where quite a few of our church members reside. We will conclude our walk through this unique community at Margie’s home.
Thursday, March 17th, 08:30 am, North Rosenberg
North Rosenberg, like North Richmond, is a neighborhood that has undergone drastic changes over time. Near Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, the Rosenberg Cemetery includes the graves of several St. John’s members. Death and Loss are powerful themes during the Season of Lent.
Palm Sunday, March 20th, 10 am, St. John’s United Church of Christ
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. As early as the fourth century, the church in Jerusalem began the custom of reenacting the entry of Jesus into the city. Come to wave the palms and sing Hosannas! As part of our Strolling through Lent Series we will have an actual Palm Sunday Procession around the church during worship.
Maundy Thursday, March 24th, 6 pm, St. John’s United Church of Christ
On Maundy Thursday the church remembers the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples. We will share their experiences around the dinner tables in the parish hall. The Brotherhood provides soups and salads. You are invited to please bring desserts.
Good Friday, March 25th, 12 noon, St. John’s United Church of Christ
There is no point in celebrating Easter without Good Friday. There is no resurrection without death. Yes, God himself experienced what death is. Our God is vulnerable and thus one of us. Come hear it and see it and get the chills! The Women’s Guild provides lunch beginning about a half hour before the service.
Easter Sunday, March 27th, 9 am, St. John’s United Church of Christ
The sad, empty, dark sanctuary, abandoned on Friday night comes back to joy, life and light. Christ is risen, he is risen indeed! Death does not have the final say. God is in favor of life and he is going to prevail in the end. Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt start at 9 am followed by the 10 am Easter Sunday Service.