
Our Sunday Worship Service starts at 10:00 a.m.

Our upcoming worship themes are:

September 1, 2024 “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.  Holy Communion will be observed.

September 8, 2024 “Learning to Love” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.

September 15, 2024 “Learning to Grow” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.

September 22, 2024 “Nearer Than We Think” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.

September 29, 2024 “Embracing the Unexpected Work of God” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.

October 6, 2024 “Blessed with the Power of God’s Love” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.  Holy Communion will be observed.

October 13, 2024 “Walking Together, Always” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.

October 20, 2024 “Blessed, to be a Blessing” led by the Rev. Ken Richter.

October 27, 2024 Worship service led by the Rev. Ken Richter.  All Saints Sunday.


What is Christian worship?
The answers to that question reflect the rich diversity of Christ’s church and account for more than a few of its divisions. There is no definition that exhausts the scope of the question. Every answer raises more questions and cautions humility in the presence of all that is holy. Where definitions are elusive, descriptions become an alternative.
Christian worship cannot be understood apart from the Jewish worship that first cradled and nurtured it. Like worship in Judaism, Christian worship is the glad response of total individuals-through “heart, soul, strength, and mind”-to the saving acts of God in history. It is the communal and personal celebration in the universal church of God’s love for creation and for every human being. This divine love is revealed in God’s gracious covenant with the people of Israel and in God’s coming into the world in Jesus Christ.

Christian worship is more than a passive response to God’s revelation. It is in itself a Pentecostal proclamation. It both announces the good news of God’s love for all the world and invites all people to share God’s saving embrace. This active response would not be possible without the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who endows the community of faith and individual Christians with the gifts that are necessary for God’s service. All that Christians are and do, corporately and individually, is worship, liturgy, the work of praise and thanksgiving. The words and acts commonly called worship cannot rightly be separated from Christians’ faithful response to God in words and acts of love and justice for all people. That is the transparent meaning of Jesus’ liberating command: “You shall love your neighbor as yourse1f.”

Learn more from the United Church of Christ Book of Worship.

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